分類: はしご・脚立・作業台・高所作業台・足場板・台場・荷揚機 1連はしご
商品番号: 6652
商品名: ハセガワ アルミ舩側用垂直はしご SSP-205・SSP-240・SSP-275・SSP-310・SSP-345・SSP-380・SSP-415・SSP-450・SSP-485・SSPF-380・SSPF-450・SSPF-485・SSPF-520・SSPF-590・SSPF-625・SSPF-660・SSPF-695・
メーカー: 長谷川工業
品番: SSP-205・SSP-240・SSP-275・SSP-310・SSP-345・SSP-380・SSP-415・SSP-450・SSP-485・SSPF-380・SSPF-450・SSPF-485・SSPF-520・SSPF-590・SSPF-625・SSPF-660・SSPF-695
<船側外側に引っ掛けて使用【ハセガワ アルミ舩側用垂直はしご SSP-205・SSP-240・SSP-275・SSP-310・SSP-345・SSP-380・SSP-415・SSP-450・SSP-485・SSPF-380・SSPF-450・SSPF-485・SSPF-520・SSPF-590・SSPF-625・SSPF-660・SSPF-695・SSPF-・】>
[Standard type] SSP
[Folding type] SSPF
[Maximum usable mass] 130kg
*This product is shipped directly from the manufacturer, so cash on delivery is not available. Sales are only available by bank transfer, postal transfer (advance payment), and credit card payment. Thank you for your understanding.
*This product requires extra long shipping regardless of the purchase amount. Please contact us for shipping charges.
*This product cannot be delivered to private homes. It will be delivered to the nearest store of the shipping transportation company. Thank you for your understanding.
*This product is a long item, so depending on the region, it may not be possible to ship it, or it may be stopped at the shipping company's nearest terminal.
If you request delivery, additional charter shipping charges may apply. In this case, consultation is required. please note that.