分類: ハンマーキャスター(旋回式) ボルト式
商品番号: 6224
商品名: ハンマーキャスター 315SA 50-75mm 315SA-RD・315SA-N・315SA-NRB・315SA-UB・315SA-L・315SA-PH
メーカー: ハンマーキャスター
品番: 315SA-RD・315SA-N・315SA-NRB・315SA-UB・315SA-L・315SA-PH
<ステンレス製 [旋回式(ストッパー付)] M16×2.0P ボルトタイプ【ハンマーキャスター 315SA 50-75mm 315SA-RD・315SA-N・315SA-NRB・315SA-UB・315SA-L・315SA-PH】>
●Threaded all-stainless steel casters with excellent corrosion resistance and water resistance.
●Ideal for equipment such as trolleys and equipment used in environments where rust and corrosion are averse, such as food companies, stores, and offices.
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*This product is a made-to-order item and will be shipped approximately 4 to 5 days after your order. Thank you for your understanding.