分類: 忍び返し
商品番号: 54
商品名: エイト 縦樋用忍び返し 60mm・76mm・90mm・113mm
メーカー: エイト
品番: TS6001 TS6002 TS6003 TS6004 TS6005 TS7001 TS7002 TS7003 TS7004 TS7005 TS9001 TS9002 TS9003 TS9004 TS9005 TS11301 TS11302 TS11303 TS11304 TS11305
<万全防犯対策!たてとい用!【エイト 縦樋用忍び返し
60mm・76mm・90mm・113mm TS6001 TS6002 TS6003
TS6004 TS6005 TS7001 TS7002 TS7003 TS7004
TS7005 TS9001 TS9002 TS9003 TS9004 TS9005
TS11301 TS11302 TS11303 TS11304 TS11305>
TS6004 TS6005 TS7001 TS7002 TS7003 TS7004
TS7005 TS9001 TS9002 TS9003 TS9004 TS9005
TS11301 TS11302 TS11303 TS11304 TS11305>
●Hard to be targeted and block the approach route!
● Helps create a safe and secure home!
●One-touch installation
- Adoption of functions that cannot be taken away intentionally
[Installation position for downspout] The gap between the wall and the vertical gutter must be at least 30mm
[Usage location] Please use in condominiums and residential buildings.
[Color] Stainless steel
*This product is a made-to-order item. It will be shipped in about 3 to 4 days.