30,000円以上お買い上げで送料無料! たて×よこ×高さ=合計80cmを超える荷物及び、 10kgを超える重量物に関しては、 この限りでない場合がございます。

ナスタ 屋内用掲示板(アルミニウム) KS-EX912A-9060A・KS-EX912A-1290A

分類: 掲示板・工事用看板 掲示板

商品番号: 4273

商品名: ナスタ 屋内用掲示板(アルミニウム) KS-EX912A-9060A・KS-EX912A-1290A

メーカー: ナスタ (旧 キョーワナスタ)

品番: KS-EX912A-9060A・KS-EX912A-1290A

商品説明: <【ナスタ 屋内用掲示板(アルミニウム) KS-EX912A-9060A・KS-EX912A-1290A】>


[枠]アルミニウム ヘアーラインアルマイト処理+クリヤ塗装

[掲示板]ビニールレザー貼(色:グレー) 文字:黒(シルク印刷)






<[Nasta Indoor bulletin board (aluminum) KS-EX912A-9060A/KS-EX912A-1290A]>

●Indoor specifications

[Frame] Aluminum, hairline alumite treatment + clear painting

[Bulletin board] Vinyl leather pasted (color: gray) Text: black (silk printing)

*Cash on delivery is not available for this product as it is shipped directly from the manufacturer. Please note that we only sell by wire transfer (advance payment) or credit card payment.

*This product is made to order. Please check the delivery date.

*This product is a large product, so additional shipping will be required regardless of the amount. Please contact us for shipping charges.

*This product is a large product, and depending on the region, it may not be possible to ship it, or it may be stopped at the shipping company's nearest terminal.
If you request delivery, additional charter shipping charges may apply. In this case, consultation is required. please note that.

Also, we may not be able to deliver to private homes, so please contact us in advance.

商品名 定価(税込) 割引率 価格(税込)

