分類: 木造構造金物 タナカ
商品番号: 2086
商品名: タナカ 柱止めリトルコーナー AA1535
メーカー: タナカ
品番: AA1535
<柱と土台、柱と横架材の接合に使います。【タナカ 柱止めリトルコーナー AA1535 】>
◆Complies with Notification No. 1460, No. 2 (ha)
①Has a short-term allowable tensile strength that exceeds that of conventional angle plates, and is easy to install on exterior walls because it is attached to the foundation
②Efficient work, as it only requires driving three 65mm screws into the cross member and three into the column.
*Prices for this product are for in-stock items only. Please check stock availability.